Playing to our strengths and values, Empowered Project Management enhances your key projects with our strategic capacity and cultural awareness. Our Special Projects Managers are highly competent in project management, partnership facilitation, program development, evaluation, and continuous improvement that will make your projects more effective and applicable to the community.

Communications, Outreach, and Engagement Planning

Seamlessly communicate and market to key communities with outreach plans tailored for harder-to-reach populations, messaging development, and partnerships plans to facilitate genuine engagement.

Program Development and Management

Reimagine your programming through a culturally responsive lens and strategic mindset that maximizes your impact and meets community needs. Support includes program ideation, development, execution, evaluation, and continuous improvement.

Training Module Development

Develop trainings for staff, volunteers and more that up-skill, uplift, and empower individuals in their skills with built-in evaluations to determine training efficacy and additional needs.

Board of Directors Improvement and Development

Bring your board into the present with improvement plans to enhance board skills and compliance, recruit new members, and develop governance infrastructure.

DEIA Initiatives

Incorporate DEIA into your organizational DNA with holistic initiative management that prioritizes fact finding, incorporating DEIA strategies into daily processes, and staff capacity building

Often designed with results from Organizational Assessment and Development

Example Projects

  • Colorado Creative Industries

    Poetry Out Loud is a national recitation contest for high school students in the United States. Empowered led the Colorado Regional and State competitions for Colorado Creative Industries, serving 2,195 students and 50 teachers/organizers. Project management included marketing and outreach, website development, recruitment of poet ambassadors, earned/paid media management, Regional competition support, two-day State Finals event development, and program evaluation. Empowered also piloted the first year of Poetry Ourselves, an original poetry contest. The State Finals will be aired on PBS12 in August 2024, with an expected reach of 1.79  million people. Learn More.

  • DEI Leadership Institute

    Supported the first annual DEI Leadership Institute through brand development, outreach, and social media marketing

  • Radical Arts Academy of Denver

    Facilitated the updating and organizing of an arts-based learning curriculum including meeting and file management, Board Meeting facilitation, and operations support

  • The Word, A Storytelling Sanctuary

    Facilitated a retreat focused on board roles, responsibilities and development. Successfully reoriented the Board towards a governance approach by advising the Board Chairs on meeting management, agendas, and goal development.