Build the 2.0 of your organization with strengthened purpose, mission, and financial longevity.
Catered to your organizations’ needs, Empowered supports you in maximizing your impact,
aligning your organization
, and being an effective community leader who is able to drive outcomes.

Organizational Profile and Analysis

Evaluate and communicate what makes your organization unique in the local, national, and global ecosystem

Financial Wellness 360°

Understand your financial stability and longevity through a 5-year revenue and expenses review to identify opportunities to diversify revenue and maximize cost-savings

Fundraising Development Planning and Support

Maximize your financial growth with fundraising planning that diversifies streams of incomes and builds new partnerships in community 

Evaluation/Impact Measurement

Understand your organization’s impact through metrics beyond ROI or attendance with multidimensional evaluations that quantify and qualify outcomes, demonstrate accountability to donors and vested partners, and refine program effectiveness

Holistic Strategic Planning (Organizational and DEIA)

Strategize for the future with personalized organizational strategic planning grounded in a DEIA approach that will align your mission, vision, organizational structure, programs and operational goals to ease decision-making and effectiveness 

Take the next step and fund your organizational potential with Grants Navigation and Acquisition

Example Projects

  • Colorado Youth Mariachi Program

    Empowered conducted an organizational profile, financial diagnostic, and developed a comprehensive 2025 Development Plan for Colorado Youth Mariachi, including a proposed budget. Our efforts secured a $40k grant, helping reduce their deficit and enabling growth and ongoing programming.

  • El Sistema

    Empowered organized a fundraising event to position El Sistema as an equity leader in music education and key pillar to building a pipeline of BIPOC musicians in Denver. We introduced the Executive Director to influential for and non-profit leaders in the creative sector to revamp the organization’s community presence and highlight their current work and investment in young BIPOC musicians.

  • Chicano Humanities and Arts Council

    Empowered guided the Chicano Humanities and Arts Council (CHAC) in launching their first fundraising gala, the Mariposa Gala, by advising on sponsors, branding, activities, and fundraising strategies. Our support laid the foundation for successful future fundraising initiatives.